Nemesis/Nibiru brings an entourage
of planets and moons on its journey past our Solar system. It is when Nemesis
returns from the ~900 year long loop above the Ecliptic and returns downwards
that it passes between Earth and Venus. Reaching this position, dramatic things
may occur with the inner planets. Earth once belonged to the Nemesis system,
and it was in fact Nemesis that carefully placed Earth in its present orbit
around our Sun. This happened at the beginning of the "Age of
division"; the Era we are in right
now and have reached the final stages of. So, when this Era draws near its end,
Nemesis will likely close the circle and capture Earth to join with the
Heavenly host again.
This scenario may seem farfetched
but is actually vividly described in the Bible in a prophetic vision. In
Revelation 21 we read: "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the
first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no more
sea." This seems to indicate, not only the removal of Earth, but also the abduction
of planet Mars, which was once known as "the waters" (Mares, Marshes).
In Sumerian texts we learn how the King ENKI draw lots with his brothers and
lost. He was deprived his power over Earth but bestowed the "Sea",
not a place on Earth but the planet Mars, indicated by his new title; EA,
meaning "House of water", i.e. the once watery planet Mars.
Could an actual "swapping of
planets" occur? Will the heavenly planet ANU of the Nemesis system descend
to be a Sun-bound planet? Revelation 21 continues: "And I, John, saw the
holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a
bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of Heaven, saying,
'Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them; and
they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them and be their God.
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more
death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for
the former things are passed away'." Are we in fact getting near to a holy
time, with humans living side by side with their creator ancestors?
At the other crossing point (at the
orbit of Jupiter), Nemesis has diligently waged war on the raging "Monster
of old". The former super sized Sun UR-BAR-RA (Barbaru) was not only
divided in two, but in a very methodical way diminished bit by bit into the
present planet Jupiter. From this older Sun, several well known objects came
into being; our present Sun, the planet Saturn, planet Mars, planet Venus and
likely even some moons and asteroids. The development of our Solar system are
not the result of random events but rather an outcome of a conscious and detailed
divine plan. The age of war and division is coming to an end. Humankind is
entering a fourth stage of development, which might be called the "Age of
perfected Art and Culture". It will be a happier and more joyful time.
ANU is the twin planet of Earth, it
was never crushed as suggested by author Secharia Sitchin. Born from the
cleaving of a larger body, it was however reduced in size from a collision. An
encounter with former planet 'Maldek' created an offspring which today has
joined our Earth as the Moon or 'Luna'. Maldek, unfortunately, was utterly shattered
and spread out to form the asteroid belt. The entity 'Ceres' is likely not a
remnant from Maldek itself but a former moon of either Maldek or ANU. Today, ANU is believed to have two new moons, one larger and
one smaller. ANU it is still out there as one of the seven
planets of Nemesis/Nibiru. Actually, this system is very close now. If it were
not for an deliberate cloaking plan, we should be able to see it.
Hello Joakim I’ve read your new very interesting piece. My question is: when Nemesis is getting closer where are her surrounding planets, including Anu? What is happening to their orbits?
ReplyDeleteHi Stacey, Nemesis planets are circling in slightly elliptic orbits just like the planets around the Sun. They have already been sighted from Earth and appear lined up (visible mainly with infrarred cameras). They move retrograde (from west to east). The risk of these planet colliding with our planets are miniscule, though it appears at least three of them are huge gas giants. Planet Anu are likely located somewhere in the vicinity of the inner orbits. Exciting and a bit scary!
DeleteJoakim, what is your take on this:
ReplyDeleteUsing microlensing technique, astronomers have found a new giant planet orbiting a brown dwarf located in the bulge of the Milky Way galaxy. The newly discovered exoplanet, designated OGLE-2017-BLG-1522Lb, is most likely 25 percent less massive than Jupiter. The finding is reported March 14
Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2018-03-astronomers-giant-planet-orbiting-brown.html#jCp
I see this as a distraction story. Astronomers will have us believe that everything of interest in the Universe always happen thousands of light-years away, never on our own doorstep. The article assign Brown dwarfs the ability of harboring gas giants. This is of course possible since I understand the typical mass of a Brown dwarf is about 75 times that of Jupiter. But can a brown dwarf harbor, say three gas giants, several other planets and miles upon miles of debris. I somehow doubt that, the system would be instable. But what do I know, I'm just a layman, devoted to astronomy.
DeleteHello I have a quick question about the Egyptians I wanted to ask did they use the pyramids as a electrical conductor for uses of advanced technology that are unknown to us humans today?
ReplyDeleteWhen seeing your question, I immediately think of researcher and author Chris Dunn. According to his theory, the shafts of the Great Pyramid were used as pipes for certain liquid substances. When these liquids were mixed, and reacting with the grand gallery, the outcome was a high energy microwave beam. Of course, the pyramid was also built to keep mathematical secrets about the ratios and proportions of the Earth. Video for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55zN9LwxnIk
DeleteThank you for the link I love to read and learn about civilizations before our time and I have one more question I don't know if this planet earth is our home but what if a person doesn't want to stay on this earth and wants to go home by committing sucide, do they stay on earth as a ghost or where do they go because I'm always curious about the afterlife of when we die?
DeleteAccording to my humble research, every person needs to grow and develop as a human being, before we are ready to move on to higher realms. This refers specifically to the progress of the emotional body. Not like ‘Mr. Spock’ in Star Trek, who totally renounced all emotions. Rather, we must balance the emotions; not getting to emotional, nor to restrained. Suicide is a free and personal choice but should possibly be avoided. Why, because with this option we are compelled to try again, in another lifetime, until we manage to overcome our tribulations or fears. Rebirth is a reality and virtually the engine of the Cosmos. We move through space and time from small to ever larger entities.
DeleteSouls come and go from every corner of the endless Universe. But some of mankind used to live on planet Mars, before the disaster, when large portions of the atmosphere were ripped away. And before that some of us lived as reptilians on planet Maldek, once situated between Mars and Jupiter. One strain of humankind even originates from the ‘Inner Earth’. This was a very harmonious epoque, before the Fall of Man, not really a fall but the entrance to this third troublesome time period.