Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Light Wave and the Electron

Elementary particles are far from being clearly defined objects in an empty void. Vacuum in itself has a structure, a geometry, even when matter, light and gravitation are absent. Remaining is a dynamic "fabric of space" where matter and wave forms can appear. As mentioned in the article on gravitation, small units that I call "Nol and Nil", constitute the vacuum. Nol being the "tangible" spherical objects and Nil being the unstructured void between them. It's a strange concept, but Neither Nol, nor Nil has an "image", this is evident since they form the vacuum where light itself travels. Though unseen, Nol and Nil constitute the very foundation of all that manifests.

The image to the right shows a simplified image of vacuum, shown in just two dimensions. In three dimensions the pattern is called "Hexagonal Close Packing", only with spaces between the Nol units. In the ideal state of "vacuum at rest", five Nol packed in together can theoretically fit between two present Nol. This ideal state is key in understanding the concept of 'electrical fields'.

The seven field dimensions

At this point, I have to make a small digression: The Universe is a vast place with lot of different qualities. Regarding vacuum, there are in fact seven independent vacuum fields. These have always been there, ever present, constituting different realities concerning "density". Nol does not merely exist by themselves, they are also lumped together in three dimensional spheres, which in turn create the next vacuum dimension. And larger spheres in this dimension then form the third vacuum dimension, and so on, up to the seventh vacuum field, which is spiritual in nature. The lower vacuum fields will manifest "dense matter" whereas higher fields will manifest more subtle, transparent matter. In this narrative, I will henceforth center on one of these dimensions, the one we inhabit.

 Electric fields

Of course, the vacuum of space is seldom at rest, where stillness exist, movement must also be present. Under the influence of energy, the Nol units are  at times displaced. In the image to the right, we see an area where Nol is in excess compared to the neutral vacuum field. Alongside it we also see an area of Nil in excess. Field units of Nol existing in the free I call 'Nolites', free field units of Nil I call 'Nilites'.

The shown image is however not a true representation of areas in excess. This is because the dynamic vacuum will immediately try to correct and balance a disturbance. Thus, the area of Nolites will attempt to "push out" the surrounding vacuum to establish the ideal state of vacuum at rest. This will only have partial success, and the result is an electric field where one draws nearer to the ideal state, the further away from the area of Nolites you get. In the same way, but opposite, an area of Nilites will attempt to "pull in" the surrounding vacuum, to establish equilibrium. This time another electric field is created, only it has an opposite charge. Which state is associated with which charge? There is no way of knowing, thus I propose a definition: A state of Nolites in excess is defined as a positive charge, a state of Nilites in excess is defined as a negative charge.

The double nature of light

Light can be described as a transverse wave form in vacuum, but it is equally considered a particle. How can that be, wherein lies the enigma that has never really been solved?

The simplified illustration above of a light wave can be read as a sequence in time; from left to right or from right to left. The light particle (the photon) has here been "frozen" regularly in its path. The negative (white) pole consists of vacuum where Nilites is in a state of excess, compared to neutral vacuum. The positive (black) pole consequently has Nolites in a state of excess. These poles are not stationary, they are drawn toward each other electrically while growing and declining in a way that a oscillation (light wave) is created. The white and black poles illustrates the electrical aspect of the light wave. When the poles reaches zero, the movement is ended but immediately continues in a reversed mode. Compared to the surrounding area at large, the poles neutralize each other and the light wave are therefore neutrally charged.

The reason why the opposite poles don't engulf each other and disappear lies in another aspect of the light wave called "spin". In this model, spin could be seen as a vortex where the Nol and Nil of vacuum spins in the vicinity of light and matter. The movement of Nil in a specific photon moves in one direction, the movement of Nil always move in the opposite direction.

The spin of the light wave is situated at a 90 degree angle to the electric plane of the light wave. In the image above we see the light wave "top down". When the electric poles reaches minimum, the spin will appear to change direction, but what really happens is that the electric poles will switch, and so the spin always continue in the same direction, although waxing and waning between maximum and minimum. The speed of Nil and Nol are fastest in the center of the photon, diminishing outwards. It is therefore appropriate to speak of the photon as also having a "spin field".

Particles in motion, carrying a spin momentum, will create a electric dipole field in itself. This is significant regarding the force called magnetism. In the part "Wave properties of the electron", I will elaborate on this in more detail.

The critical level of the light wave

The photon has a critical level, a threshold energy. This is the point (at 1.02 MeV) where the photon has accumulated so much energy that the waveform gets instable. When this happens, the positive and the negative electrical poles of the photon will actually split apart and go in different directions.

The image to the right shows this division, where the photon breaks apart, creating (in this case) an electron with negative charge and a "positron" with positive charge. Again, you can't tell which particle carry which charge so I simply make the definition the electron consists of an excess of Nilites. The positron of course has opposite properties.


So what are the tiny particles shown between the electron and the positron? These are pairs of neutrinos, created as an effect of the "division energy". In total, two neutrinos and two anti-neutrinos. They are of course created out of the vacuum and the reason there are two pairs is that the energy has to be equally distributed in three dimensions; the electron and the positron in plane A, a neutrino and its counterpart in plane B, a third neutrino pair in plane C.

I contend the neutrino do have mass (though small) and that it therefore is quite able of residing in a state of rest. The neutrino and its antiparticle will appear as tiny copies of the electron e- and the positron e+. Since the neutrino (Ve) and the antineutrino (anti-Ve) have mass, they also, per definition, have a charge. Small mass, weak charge! Yes, I will argue that the neutrino and the antineutrino are in fact the carriers of the 'weak force' of nature.

The photon is considered having a spin value of 1. But in the division process, this value was inherited by the electron/positron-pair with half of the spin value distributed to each particle. In particle physics, the electron and the positron are bestowed the spin value of ½ each. The same goes for the neutrino and its antiparticle, which both have a spin value of ½. Particles with the same type of mass and an equal spin value are reluctant to reside in the same place, they fiercely repel each other, but I will try to show how the electron solves this problem by keeping their neutrinos on different "energy levels".

The naked electron

In the image to the right, we see the single, or the 'naked' electron, titled "ne". The arrow determine the direction of its spin. Flanked on two sides, but on different energy levels, two neutrinos (Ve) hold ground, both with opposite spin. These neutrinos never leave the naked electron. If one would be pushed out, a new neutrino pair are created out of vacuum; the neutrino stays and the antineutrino is ejected. On the surface of the naked electron, we also see a cloud of free nolites, attracted to the negative charge of the electron. Please note that this is a scaled down model. The real distances between the particles of this 'system' would in fact be tremendous.

The permanent neutrinos of the electron can be defined as having a 'fixed rotation'. This meaning the three particles of the system always form a straight line, because of the electrical repulsion between the neutrinos. We are not talking 'string theory' here, but the thought inevitably enters the mind since semi-stable elementary particles actually (according to myself) use this structure. One would think the neutrinos should be drawn into the electron but this does not occur. The reason is the spin direction of the two neutrinos; equal spin will cause an repelling force. The laws of particles on energy levels reads as; "only one particle with spin may reside on a specific level on a given point in time". Two particles with equal spin on the same level makes the system decay.

In this study, we have focused on the electron only. The antiparticle (the positron) of course works in the same manner but is positively charged and surrounded by two antineutrinos. The thin 'shell' of nolites on the surface of the electron are to be considered real particles. They have left their places in the neutral vacuum and now roam free, this until they "fall into" a nilite hole and once again are incorporated in the vacuum field. The subtle shells of nolites and nilites form the substance we know as "etheric matter". This is the essence of what is called 'homeopathy', a medical profession that rightly should regain some kind of legitimate status in society. Just because we can't measure it does not mean it is none existing.

Vacuum geometry

Why does the electron have the very specific mass of 0.511 MeV? When the pair conversion of the electron and positron exceeds the 1,02 MeV limit with some amount, the particles doesn't come out larger, they just end up with more kinetic energy. I believe this is a quantified effect of certain by nature preferable patterns in vacuum; Nolites and Nilites creating three dimensional structures. Spherical forms with great harmonic shape is thus preferred by nature, and if an electron should be damaged by, let's say, a free Nolite, then the electron immediately repairs itself by creating a neutrino/antineutrino pair from vacuum. This ability by vacuum of encouraging certain symmetrical shapes I call "vacuum geometry". In later presentations, I will attempt to show  how the electron divides into quarks, and that even these quarks will follow the vacuum geometry standard.

Wave properties of the electron

An electron moving in vacuum does not contain the same Nilite units it had when it was created. The movement per se happens as the electron 'draws in' and relocates Nol from vacuum in the direction of travel. This occurs simultaneously as it drops Nol hind ward. Another way of putting it is that the electron creates Nilites in the direction of travel and annihilate Nilites hind wards. The point being that the electron behaves as a 'wave' rather than as a solid sphere. The electron and the positron both move in vacuum without loss of energy, i.e. vacuum does not have a 'syrup' like structure.

The image to the right illustrates an electron moving from left to right. Since the electron has spin, a meeting Nil unit in vacuum (A) will travel backwards in a curved path to end up at the new location (B).

The curved paths of Nol passed by an electron creates a disturbance in vacuum. Depending on the direction of spin, a positive and a negative field will be created in the vicinity of the electron. Where the curved path compresses vacuum, there is a positive field. Where the curved path 'dilutes' vacuum, there is a negative field. This effect happens only with electrons in motion, the spin dislocates vacuum to form what we are familiar with as an electromagnetic current.

The excited state of the electron

Even the physic classes of Public School (or corresponding) taught us that high energy light particles may energize an electron and have it jump to a higher energy level (in the atom). When jumping back, the electron emits a photon equivalent to the energy loss. But where or how was the energy stored when the electron was in its excited state? We may understand this using a model where a single photon can attach itself to the electron, forming something we may call "bound light".

In the image to the right, we see a single photon whose wave pattern form an elliptic orbit around an electron, marked as a white dot. In order for the light wave to stay put, the photon continually has to turn the positive field in towards the electron. This would normally be a problem since the polarity of the photon wave fields constantly changes direction.

The bound photon of an excited electron solves this by turning the light wave 180 degrees at the 'trough' (th) of the photon; the lowest point of the wave pattern. I will contend that all matter, in various degrees, carries bound light which can be described as the "light body" of entities.

The path of an electron around an atom nucleus is an elliptic one. When at the closest point to the heavier nucleus, the electron will shift its orbit a tiny degree, changing the existing direction. Because of this, the electron will move in rosette-like patterns around the atom. The common electron moves fast and close to the nucleus. But with a photon bound to itself, the electron becomes heavier and slower in motion. The electron cannot keep its previous orbit with preserved stability. Thus it has to move out in a larger ellipse going further away from the nucleus. When the photon eventually is ejected, the electron will return to its original orbit.


There is a model describing the transformation of light waves into gravity waves (and the other way around). All this probably belongs to the science of elementary particles; their creation, structure and decay. But this is for another chapter, another day!

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