Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Brown Dwarf hype

Brown Dwarf stars are a fairly new concept in astonomy. There were of course skilled and competent astronomers even in the '70s and '80s. So why suddenly a need for a new star classification, "Brown Dwarfs", in 1994? Red Dwarfs have been known since the early 19th Century and stars with lower mass were simply named "Gas giants". There are today a disproportionally large amount of information on Brown Dwarf stars, why the hype?

The simple explanation is of course the discovery in 1983 of a mystery "Planet X" body beyond the outer reaches of our Solar System. Later, the story was abruptly pulled from the Main Stream Media and the cover-up was a fact. Apparently, the scientists were now informed of the true nature of this object and found it necessary to keep a lid on it and not "distress" the public at large.

But it was not until 1994 that NASA deemed it necessary to promote the Brown Dwarf concept. Until then, the people were quite content to know there was a PLANET out there, approaching our Solar System. The term "Planet X" was (deliberately) planted in our collective unconscious mind. Slowly, suspicion began to grow, since information surfaced from ancient times about a companion star that was present in the past. Was the newly found heavenly body in fact this mysterious star?

Keeping the public in the dark was a necessity, according to the establishment. That was probably why NASA invented the Brown Dwarf concept to downplay the subject, now that fewer and fewer bought the Planet X theory. Because a dwarf star is insignificant and nothing to be afraid of, right? Furthermore, the concept suited the purpose well; a reddish, purple color, barely detectable in visible light, small in size and subordinate the Sun in every possible aspect. A perfect story!

But what if, people. What if this object is actually a full blown Neutron star, with a larger mass than our Sun, a significantly stronger magnetic field, and an entourage, a Heavenly Host of planets, asteroids, gravel and dust in its wake. I contend this is actually the case here. If it were a modest Brown Dwarf star, how could it possibly drag along seven planets and a debris field of unimaginable proportions? No, the only credible conclusion is this: "Deus Sol Invictus", the Unconquerable Sun has returned; the Sun, the Moon and the planets has to bow down before him in humility.

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