Sunday, February 4, 2018

Gas Clouds of Nemesis

Aside from the debris field of Nemesis, containing asteroids and rocks of various sizes, the star also carries large gas clouds. These clouds probably formed at the time of Nemesis collapse to its present state. The consistency and properties of this star aura in fact has tremendous implications in regards to the passing of Nemesis through our Solar System. Depending on the closeness of the star to our planet Earth, a variety of negative and even hazardous effects may occur.

In the schematic illustration above, we see Nemesis (Red) belching out large plumes of Ferric oxide (Orange) into the neighborhood. This Iron oxide dust (chemical formula Fe2O3) has ferromagnetic properties, which will result in the major part of the ejected material returning back again to the highly magnetic star. Red dust from Nemesis are expected to fall down to Earth sometime after the arrival of the global earthquake. Lakes, rivers and streams will likely turn red for some time. Though this dust has no substantial toxicity, the waters might still be undrinkable due to bacterial growth, causing an unpleasant stench. Fish and sea creatures might die from suffocation in shallow ponds and streams. The impact of the red dust will eventually fade away and waters will return to normal.

Another cloud, surrounding Nemesis like a bubble (Black), are believed to contain different varieties of hydrocarbons, the main one being Methane (CH4). It is when Nemesis, during a close passage of Earth) brings its hydrogen cloud in direct contact with Earth's atmosphere that certain things may take place. The chemical reaction of "Hydrocarbon combustion" describes the conversion in the following formula: CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O. Methane reacts with Oxygen to form Carbon dioxide, Water and heat. During this event, burning Naphtha might fall from the skies.

On other occasions, large quantities of Carbon dioxide may drift down into valleys and depressions, placing itself below the existing oxygen layers. This can prove fatal, because the gas has no smell or taste, unsuspecting people may actually suffocate in their sleep. From the Bible we remember the decree by God to mark or "seal the doors" during the Passover (of Nemesis) in order to prevent "The Angel of Death" taking victims. The rite of having unleavened bread might actually be a symbol of "No Yeast", since the yeast in the making of bread releases Carbon dioxide, giving the bread the fluffiness needed to bake it out. God is telling his people to be aware and avoid harm.

 The last gaseous cloud (Grey) of Nemesis is a layer of Hydrogen, surrounding the Hydrocarbon bubble and stretching out to form a large tail behind the star. It primarily consists of the three common isotopes Protium, Deuterium and Tritium. The concern for Earth is when our planet gets in the path of this Hydrogen cloud for a period of time. It is during this intersection that Hydrogen from Nemesis will start to react with the Oxygen in Earth's atmosphere. The chemical formula (2H2 + O2 → 2H2O + Energy) describes how four Hydrogen atoms merges with two Oxygen atoms to form Water and energy. The reaction doesn't start easily or by itself but in the pressure zone where Earth meets with the Nemesis Hydrogen cloud, large amounts of water will form and rain down on Earth. It is likely that this is part of what happened during the time of Noah, when it rained for 40 days and 40 nights.

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